The 8th Annual Harlem Book Fair on Long Island (HBF-LI) presents a great opportunity to bring African-American authors, artists, poets, performers and vendors together with the Long Island community.
The daylong event features book signing by noted authors, panel discussions, ethnic music and dance, fiction and nonfiction books, vendors, and a Children’s Pavilion with its own featured authors, storytellers and face painters.
HBF-LI will be held Saturday, September 18, 2010, 12 noon - 6 p.m. at the Freeport Recreation Center, 130 East Merrick Road, Freeport NY. For further information call (516) 379-5466 or fax (516) 908-4077 or e-mail: hbfli@optonline.net.
The Harlem Book Fair on Long Island is supported by the African Atlantic Genealogical Society, the Freeport Community Development Agency, Verizon and QBR Publications.
Official Registration site http://www.aagsinc.net/bookfair.html
Follow us on twitter @ http://twitter.com/hbfli
Follow us on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Harlem-Book-Fair-on-Long-Island/338926437494?v=wall&ref=ts
To view prior Harlem Book Fair on Long Island click on link :http://www.cbbooksdistribution.com/events4.html